Blog, Fashion, Lifestyle


So peoples perspectives on sales are like everything in life, varied! Some will say the dreaded sale time where people snatch and adverts on tv ramming it down your throats. Others will be like “Oooohh, I need to see the bargains” So what is the deal with shopping in sales? Really the deal is only a deal if you want the said product. Dont run with the crowd unless it suits and serves a purpose for you.

Personally coming from a business angle as well as consumer viewpoint its better to do a sale as and when a particular shop needs to do one as opposed to a sales war. Why get lost in the crowd because you are simply trying to follow it???

Method to the madness that is sale shopping is to not get swayed because “its a bargain” but because you need it and will wear it as opposed to simply because its £10 instead of £100! You have only saved that £90 if you have worn it, otherwise its simply a waste of £10!

So shop wise, shop smart. Its not the cost or how big the bargain is, its all about wearability and versatility! And if you happen to like something in our store for example and its cramping your purse strings then remember we offer both savings and wardrobe account basis. See Blog no. 5 for details. (SHAMELESS PLUG but hey, this is our website that you are on and our blog so a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!

Ciao for now, off out shopping some furniture sales (Wink) xxxx

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