Blog no.15 post pandemic - Lunacy Boutique Mad About Fashion
Blog, Fashion, Lifestyle


So I haven’t written a blog in an absolute age. Which considering there has been a worldwide pandemic and technically more time on my hands, I Haven’t ironically had time.

My mood thru out the pandemic apart from the beginning (total panic) has been pretty chilled. Of course I have been concerned and following all the guidelines and when I say chilled I don’t mean, making light of the seriousness of it. But just carrying on as normal. I mean, these days we are so blessed. We might not be able to see our families as much as we would have liked but with modern technology there has been ways around it. I mean it’s not like it’s world war 2 where we are rationed and wives receive the odd letter from their husbands every few months.

During this though it has for me made me realise even more so the importance of gratitude and taking it a bit slower. Social media for one (ironic again that I’m blogging about it) can, for me, zap my energy. There is loads of positive messages and lovely posts but also sometimes it’s vacuous. It can take you away from life’s really treasures. People. The real life people. I find it odd as some friends I’m friends with on Facebook I could pass them on the street and they wouldn’t even say hello. (This hasn’t happened by the way I’m speaking hypothetically) Is it all about how it looks these days?? Surely in a society of people claiming about kindness where is all the lovely morning hellos and comradery. So at times these past two years more than ever I have had to have a few days break from social media, even from the business perspective, which for me is what I use it mainly for. I need to for a reboot.

I see these whole two years as a refresh. A year or so where we all need to assess our priorities, our lifestyles and even our morals.

I’m not sure if this post is coming across as imposing, opinionated or a bit moany or all of above. But currently I just feel a bit mixed between embracing some definite good things that I believe to have come out of this year and both a little tired. Maybe the latter is cause of copious gin and tonics last night! Hope you have enjoyed my little blog if you haven’t slowed down on your social media intake like myself. Adieu until the next one! Xxx

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